
Every year we aim to provide school bags stuffed with items needed to help to carry out studies and to encourage children to keep clean and look after their teeth. We also provide an umbrella which helps children to stay dry throughout the Monsoon. Each bag goes to a disadvantaged school child in readiness for the new school year in June. Assisting school children with the supplies he or she needs to keep clean and carry out their studies boosts confidence and encourages attendance. Both of these things produce better academic results which mean it is more likely that children will stay at school longer. Receiving a backpack is exciting and for many children is probably one of very few things which is ever really “theirs”.

You can see exactly what our school bag contains opposite. Each bag and the contents costs around £10. There are many ways you can help with our Bags4School project:-

  • You could make a donation of £10 which would cover the cost of a school bag and its contents purchased locally in Goa. Click here to make a donation and don't forget to leave us a message to tell us that you wish your donation to go towards our Bags4School project,

  • You could ask your local school to fund raise for this project. This would help up enormously and at the same time it would encourage children to think about children who are not as fortunate as themselves and give them the opportunity to change a life.

  • If you are visiting Goa you could either drop off a school bag complete with all the items at Mango House or you could drop off a contribution to the items needed which will then be used to make up more bags. Supermarket own brand or value stationery items are perfect for the task however all of the items are cheaper in Goa than overseas so if you intend to shop you would save money by waiting until you arrive in Goa.

Donate online or click here to see other ways to donate
Uniform & School Bags

We have put together a gallery set showing the provision of uniforms and bags at the beginning of the academic year. Click here to see it.

A Bag4School Includes

Toothbrush & Paste





3 x Biros
Coloured Pencils
Felt Pens




3 x Pencils
Pencil Case